Ukulele- Give it a go!
Ukulele Lessons Essex-
Brightly coloured Ukulele’s are becoming more and more popular, they have even taken over the recorder in some schools! Why? Well they are fun and easy to play (compared to guitar) and require less finger stretching… plus they only cost £22!
They make for a really nice first instrument and lead on nicely to guitar, being from the same family of instruments and all. You can easily take one on holiday or to the park, I even took one in my hand luggage with Ryan air once!
I think if you can play a guitar then with a bit of practice you could easily play a Uke.
I think if you’ve got small hands then you could easily play a Uke.
I think if you only have £22 for an instrument then you could easily buy a Uke.
They are lots of fun and sound really cheerful, just what’s needed with the English weather! They are really easy for Children to learn, partly because of the size, they are like mini guitars really. Also if your a parent who plays guitar a Ukulele can combine really well- you could form your own Duet and go busking? Or just perform behind a locked door :D
Click the pictures to get one from a great local music shop in Billericay called 'The String Salon', its where I get all my Uke for school from :D
For Ukulele lessons in Essex (Basildon, Brentwood, Wickford and surrounding areas give me a call 07519 788430)
"So lets hear you sing it-ukulele lessons essex, ukulele lessons essex, ukulele lessons essex, thank you essex you've been awesome, goodnight!"
To be honest when I first received a Uke for Christmas I was a little bit reluctant to adopt it. For some reason it didn't seem as 'cool' as guitar....How wrong I was! After a couple of years I have been playing the Uke more and more and its sound has really grown on me. When my students perform at the their school talent shows the crowd always love a brightly coloured Uke :D